Up to the highest height. I don't know if my knitted kite will fly very well, but it looks good. It is supposed to be a wash cloth. Can you tell that it is my first knitting project? I am going to try another one and then probably another one until I can get it right.
I did get the vegetable garden all planted right though, with the kids help. We have planted sweet corn, pole beans, bush beans, carrots, pumpkins, watermelons, tomatoes of course, and peppers. I absolutely love the finished project, now if only it will stay this way. I have read articles that say to "Plan for Success" so that is my motto for my garden this season. I have committed myself to spend quality time in the garden...weeding, watering, fertilizing, and Eme says I need to sing to the plants for them to grow (something she learned in school), so singing is now added to the list.